Feeling nostalgic in Cupertino

John Geary
Co-Founder and CEO at Abodu
Myself, our Creative Lead, and Director of Sales were all born and raised in Cupertino–the location of our most recent Abodu One installation.
We love being able to provide more space for families, but doing so in the cities we were raised in is an accomplishment that we don’t take lightly.
The Das family wanted to use their Abodu as quickly as possible, so they opted for one of our Abodu Quickship inventory units. At Abodu, we joke that there’s always one family member who is a tad skeptical of a flying house… In this case, it was Mr. Das, who immediately let down his guard once the Abodu landed. He showed us, as well as his family the plans he had for the place…
Too bad for him- the Abodu was already reserved as a “She Shed” for Mrs. Das and her dance crew. They included a Murphy Bed in their Abodu- just in case one or two of her guests decide to spend the night after rehearsal… When we drive by Blackberry Farm or the site of old Valco Mall we reminisce on High School memories. Now, we reminisce on our most recent Abodu installation.
Thanks for letting us provide more permanent housing in our own neighborhood, Rajib and Priya. We wish you the best of luck with your Abodu and future recitals.
Building housing in the community I was lucky enough to grow up in sure is fun!
– John