The magic of install day: Installing your prefab adu

An Abodu Homeowner and neighbors watching an Abodu being installed.


It’s not every day you get to watch a crane delicately balance and lower an ADU into a backyard, which is why install day with Abodu is so special.

First, your Abodu will be hauled to your neighborhood. And while our Abodu models range from 340 square feet to 800 square feet, they’re an oversized load on the highway.

Next, we’ll unwrap your Abodu to reveal your customized design, including things like siding, color, and roofing. This is usually the moment your neighbors start coming out of their houses to check out what’s happening.

At this particular install day, Abodu made it a party and handed out sunglasses and popcorn for neighbors to enjoy the show: an Abodu flying through the air.

Now, it’s flight time.

When your Abodu is ready to be placed, a crane will lift and lower it ontoits permanent concrete foundation. This is the exciting part — break out your phone to record the action.

Your neighbors will enjoy the spectacle (especially because they didn’t have to deal with excessively noisy and disruptive on-site construction, like with traditional builds).

Finally, once our team gets everything hooked up and final inspections complete, we’ll hand you the keys to your brand new Abodu.

Want to know if an Abodu is right for you? Book a call with us or drop by one of our showrooms

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